BID Mission & Board Meetings

Downtown Auburn BID is a membership organization of residents, business & property owners, non-profit organizations & government entities. By means of research, advocacy, marketing, promotion, event planning & collaborative efforts, the BID is committed to enhancing the appearance, economic viability & quality of life of the community. The BID Board meets monthly, the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8AM, on Zoom, or in person at rotating locations. Meetings are open to the public, please RSVP if you would like to attend, call 315.252-7874.

BID District

The BID District is a unique mix of eateries, breweries, cultural attractions, lodging & boutique retail, banking & grocery, health & wellness offerings and business & government services. BID members include approximately 110 property owners, 45 government departments or agencies, 350 businesses or organizations & 750+ downtown residents. The boundaries are determined by the property owners that voted in favor of creating the BID. To the west, the boundary is Plaza of the Arts, to the east, the boundary is Goodyear Tire, to the north it is the Holiday Inn, and to the south it is the Seward House Museum & Park.

Currently, about 110 downtown property owners contribute to the BID assessment tax. They pay an additional $3 plus dollars per $1000 of their assessed property value; with a cap of $5000 per property. Churches & government-owned properties are exempt from the tax. The BID members stand behind the District, and in turn we focus resources within our boundaries for services & promotion to increase business and foot traffic.
We so appreciate our stakeholders that contribute to our operating budget.

What does the Downtown BID Do?

The BID markets and promotes existing Downtown businesses and assists with the establishment of new businesses downtown. Our Beautification Crew cleans the Downtown streets & parks, ensuring they look their best. BID manages the annual Flower Program (donate here) that fills the flower pots, downtown parks & hanging baskets each summer season with a variety of plantings. BID helps organize special events & festivals including First Fridays, the Memorial Day Food Truck Rodeo, Music on the Malls, Founder’s Day, TomatoFest, Gobble 'N Go and the Annual City Tree Lighting. The BID also acts as liaison, providing communication between its members and the City of Auburn as well as Cayuga County or any other entity that may have a direct impact on Downtown Auburn. For more info on BID programs click here.

What is a BID?

A BID is a state designated area where the properties within the boundary are assessed an extra tax to contribute to the operation of the organization. The businesses, property owners, and residents located within those boundaries make up the membership of the organization. The Downtown Auburn BID strives to make Downtown Auburn a vibrant and attractive city center that residents can be proud of and that visitors are drawn to. Please patronize all the services and business here, so we can continue to prosper.


BID’s dedicated staff and Board of Directors work together to grow, promote and improve the Downtown Auburn Business Improvement District.

Executive Officers 

Dawn Schulz, President, Prison City Brewery
Ben Susman, Vice President, Susman Law Firm
Jennifer Haines, Treasurer, City of Auburn Planning & Economic Development
Matt Chalanick, Secretary, The Real Estate Agency& Bouck Real Estate

Board Members

Janie Anderson, Auburn Public Theater
Joe Bartolotta, R&M Real Estate
Todd Borsa, Lyons National Bank
Emily Cameron
, Cayuga Community College
Maria Coleman, Seward House Museum
Chuck Mason, City of Auburn Clerk’s Office
Matt Peirson, Roast & Toast
Sue Riordan, Riordan Realty
Josh Sayre, Moro’s Table
Andrew Simkin, Cayuga Phoenix Properties, LLC
Mike Talbot, City of Auburn DPW


Jesse Kline, Assistant Director - jesse@auburndowntown.org
Courtney Rae Kasper, ERHC Visitor Experience Manager - courtney@equalrightsheritage.com
Gillian Sears, ERHC Assistant Visitor Experience Manager - gillian@equalrightsheritage.com
Tom Corey,
Beautification Supervisor - tommydirt@icloud.com

The BID office is located in the Equal Rights Heritage Center, at 25 South Street.
Our offices are located in the back volume of the building. To reach staff please call 315.252-7874 or send an email.

Request our downtown Auburn BID brochure listing all the places to shop, dine, play & stay, plus detailed info on the City’s parking options.

BID Sponsors

We thank our sponsors that help subsidize our Flower Power program and free community festivals & events: Lyons National Bank, Chemung Canal Trust, the City of Auburn and Auburn Beautification Commission.

Header photo by Jimmy Giannettino.


Photo by Jimmy Giannettino.

Photo by Jimmy Giannettino.

Photo by Jimmy Giannettino.